Reflect the total duration of each course (duration as per assigned for each course, not the exact duration spent by the learner) a learner had completed on the learner transcript & admin records for reports generation, as some companies have ...
Courses and curricula are often built to include more than one lesson regardless of the object-lesson type. Our learners are reporting an inability to find the course/curricula in which a particular lesson is available (i.e., content at a more gra...
Ability to download multiple reports at once from "Generated Reports" page
I typically generate more than one report at a time and it would be more efficient to be able to select the reports and download them all at once. I find it strange that you can delete more than one report at a time, but not download more than one...
Observation Checklists: Option to Automatically Set Enrolled Learners as "Ready"
Problem Statement: When a learner is enrolled into a curriculum that has an observation checklist (i.e. you set a post-enrollment rule to auto-enroll learners into all courses/checklists within the curriculum), these learners will show in the Revi...
PIN reset functionality in Admin Portal - move to user page
Hi, For admins to reset the PIN for learners you have to currently click on the user, edit and then reset PIN, why does the option to reset not appear on the user page of the dashboard like password resets? Thanks for your consideration.
Currently Curriculum doesn't allow for any course controls like self-enrollment rules and approvals when a course is assigned to a curriculum. There are times when rules and approvals may be required for the courses within a curriculum (for exampl...
Darken the text "Write a message (Max 2000 characters)" to help with user accessbility. We've had a number of users unable to read this text and not know where to write the message.
Allow distinct permissions for Reviewers and Administrators
We have Administrators that we want to have permissions to admin for their subset of learners only. However, we need them to be a Reviewer for a broader group of learners. Please consider making the permissions for Reviewers and Administrators dis...
Allow user to enroll in course if not complete pre-req, just not allow to take couse
Course has check mark that says allow user to enroll in course if not complete pre-req but it does not allow them to do it. need to allow them to enroll and pay just not take class if not finish pre-req