Add “Date Audited” field into the Course Attributes section
I would like to see a field that would allow our admins to add a date the last time the course was audited or reviewed by someone. This attribute should be available to show on the Courses Report. When we pull this report, we can sort by date and ...
Having certain courses available for certain departments is great, but when multiple departments share courses with regions using specific sessions it can be a little confusing for their admins to see everyone. Like we have self enrollment rules f...
I don't know if it's just me, but the newer dashboards are not very friendly to department leaders compared to the previous version. I can't find ways for the widgets to drill down to individual users, nor able to have the widgets link to the rele...
There is no method to create custom email triggers. This makes it impossible to create a message sent to a user's supervisor when they are marked absent from a class. This seems like a very basic function.
In a previous LMS, I was able to easily enroll 2+ learners from just a list of usernames. I would enter usernames - essentially in a text field - and the LMS would verify the usernames and then enroll those learners who were active in the system. ...
The ability to unenroll a learner from a course and, if they already completed the course, keep their record of completion visible on their transcript and enrollment history. Currently, if you unenroll a learner from a course (regardless of status...
Ability to Submit External Training Certificates through the Absorb App
Currently, to submit external training certificates that were not completed through the LMS, you have to login to a computer. It would make it easier for our field service teams, drivers, and employees who don't always have access to a computer if...