Add “Date Audited” field into the Course Attributes section
I would like to see a field that would allow our admins to add a date the last time the course was audited or reviewed by someone. This attribute should be available to show on the Courses Report. When we pull this report, we can sort by date and ...
Add a Filter to Observation Checklists Tabs in Reviewer Experience.
Hi, I'm a Training Coordinator at PCC Structurals, Inc. and here is an idea that would save a lot of time when looking up Audits and such in Reviewer Expectance. Add a filter to the Observation Checklist Tabs ("Not Ready," "Ready," "In Progress") ...
I don't know if it's just me, but the newer dashboards are not very friendly to department leaders compared to the previous version. I can't find ways for the widgets to drill down to individual users, nor able to have the widgets link to the rele...
In a previous LMS, I was able to easily enroll 2+ learners from just a list of usernames. I would enter usernames - essentially in a text field - and the LMS would verify the usernames and then enroll those learners who were active in the system. ...
Ability to create report that combines ILC sessions and online courses
This would be helpful to track attendance in a hybrid environment. We currently have some users who complete the course in person and some who have to watch an online recording. Being able to combine reports would help us with creating a record of...
There are times where we host an ILC that is the equivalent to a WBT. It would be really helpful to be able to apply credit for courses that are equivalent. This way our learners have multiple options for fulfilling a requirement within a curriculum.
over 3 years ago
in Admin Experience
Fair Probability of Delivery
Please add a field into the general profile settings for a user to add their pronouns - after last name or have the option to drag and drop in order custom fields, so this field does not look at of place on a registration page.
Ability to change depts if user purchases a course
There is no way to add a department for a user. I want to be able to put users that buy a course in a dept. Only way to do that is to flag a course purchase for approval but that is not possible with e-Commerce. REALLY NEED This.
It would be ideal if we could use post enrollment triggers to enroll users into a curricula as opposed to being limited to enrolling users only into courses.