Proposal: Enhancing User Feedback Collection and Analysis in Absorb LMS
Current State & Major Pain Points :
Currently, Absorb LMS relies solely on its native course evaluation questions for gathering user feedback. However, this approach has significant limitations that hinder effective feedback collection and an...
Make it possible to delete a (already answered) questions from an Assessment
Why? Question(s) in a final assessment is a learning tool to ensure learners have understood content and that content + a quiz supported them in such. This also means that at times (many times) data shows that a question is simply not working/not ...
It is time-consuming to go and edit a course in order to add a session. When an ILC course is selected, there should be an "add session" button populated.
Option for only Active courses to display as default in Admin access and also show which courses are active/inactive in the enrollments search functions
We'd like to prevent admins from accidentally enrolling users in inactive courses. Please allow the Active filter to be applied to a default view. This will help eliminate some confusion with all of the courses we offer and the many admins that ha...
**Flag cancellations for refunds and automatic updates to course**
If someone cancels a session purchased through eCommerce, there is currently no mechanism to alert the Finance team to issue the refund. There needs to be a specific notification that flags cancellations.
Bulk Actions for Delete, Categorize, and Move to Workspace
When clients reach 100s of courses, and dozens of workspaces, the ability to complete bulk actions in the workspace will be necessary to reduce the cognitive load of keep a large amount of content organized. As clients using Create LI cope with ev...
almost 2 years ago
in Create
Low Probability of Delivery
We have some courses where evaluation is required to mark the course as complete. Currently, a learner can submit the form without entering a rating or answering a question. I'd like to be able to indicate specific required questions in order for ...
Hi, our environment uses the certificate include the legislative requirements that need to be covered by specific authorities at the time their training is carried out. These change over time and so our Certificate templates also need to change. C...
Add "send test" option for Custom Message Templates
Add "send test" option for customized message templates. This will allow admins to preview the message before saving and having this message arrive to learners. To do this now, I have to simulate the behaviour as a learner which is tedious, especi...
over 2 years ago
in Admin Experience
Fair Probability of Delivery