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Disable sending of Course Upload Notifications when approval is required

Add the ability to Disable sending of Course Upload Notifications when approval is required.
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Future Consideration

Provide more course details when enrolling users in a course

When enrolling a user (or users) in a course using the Add Courses/Select Courses window, it would be helpful to display more than just the course title in the selection window. At a minimum, it would help to know if the course is an online course...
over 3 years ago in Online Courses 1

Allow uploads to be graded / New Assignment Learning Object

We need a way of grading and giving feedback to user's submitted assignments. For example, a student has been set an assignment i.e. a task. They download the Word document from an online course from either an 'object' learning object or from a Re...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1

Evaluation Questions - option to make required

We have some courses where evaluation is required to mark the course as complete. Currently, a learner can submit the form without entering a rating or answering a question. I'd like to be able to indicate specific required questions in order for ...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience 6 Future Consideration

Add a curriculum group to the top, middle, etc - not just at the end and have to move up

Hi, when you have a curriculum with a lot of groups already and you're adding a new one, it automatically gets created at the bottom (no other option), and then you have to try to move it where you want it. Sometimes that is very difficult (esp if...
10 months ago in Curriculum 1

Add API endpoints for editing Groups and Group Rules

Would be very useful for our business model to be able to modify group rules via the API.
over 3 years ago in Integration / RESTful API V1.5 4 Future Consideration

Option to be able to remove Fade In animation on exercices.

It would be nice if we could add or remove the opening and ending transition animation on the exercice in an activity page. It is the only element that always has a ''fade in'' animation and it cannot be changed. So if you removed the animation ev...
4 months ago in Create 0

Posibility to mask/unmask elements in one page

I know that there is already a list of all the elements used in one page if you go in the accessibility tab in Absorb. It would be nice to add the possibility to mask and unmask certain elements on this list. So per exemple, if you want to work on...
4 months ago in Create 0

Remove pages from the table of contents

It would be nice if we could remove manually pages from the table of content if they are not needed. Per exemple, if you have more than one page with the same title, you could remove some to let only the first page of the serie appear in the table...
4 months ago in Create 0

Webhooks User Creation through Enrollment Key

While the Webhook for User Creation through Admin UI works as expected, when a user is created via enrollment key, the Webhook for User Creation, does not work. Can this please be added as a product enhancement. Thank you.
4 months ago in Webhooks 2 Future Consideration