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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 5, 2022
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit LMS-I-3782 Un-enrollment rules.

Unsubscribe a user from being re-enrolled in an auto-enrolled assignment Merged

I have a number of courses that are requirements for our employees. Of course, there are rules associated with every course to make sure the right employee receives the right training. There are times though someone "meets the rules" they, happen to be an exception to that rule based on other criteria that is just too granular and/or not an option when making that rule.

Based on conversations with their direct supervisor, I will manually un-enroll them if they meet these circumstances. However, whenever any change is made to a course (small or complex) and when the course is re-loaded, it will go back and re-enroll everyone who I unenrolled since they technically meet the requirements. In anticipation of this, I have my client success manager, turn off the emails so that I can go back and un-enroll them again without them ever being notified. I unenroll employees for various reasons on a daily basis and the numbers add up and it can take any where from 10 minutes to an hour or more to unenroll everyone who does not need the course.

It would be great that upon un-enrolling an employee from an auto-enrolled course that there was something in place that would never re-enroll them again automatically since I as the admin, purposely unenrolled them. If their requirements change then I would go in and re-enroll them.

  • Guest
    Oct 6, 2022

    My kinda similar ticket:

    The auto-enrollment is a big deal for our business. Easiest case study: We have multiple compliance courses that must be assigned depending on the user's data fields. Some are for managers, some are for people residing in a specific country, and some for specific departments or job titles. This currently works beautifully.

    We also utilize automatic re-enrollment. Users re-enroll 30 days before their certificate expires.

    Problem: when a user's data changes (becomes a manager, changes department, move to a new country, etc) they will be picked up but new assignments but their old (now un-needed) re-enrollments remain. This creates an unsustainable amount of investigatory work to identify who needs to be fixed as well as tickets from users complaining about incorrect courses.

    ASK: Can we tie re-enrollment to the original auto-enrollment rules? Once the user no longer meets those rules, their automatic re-enrollment is canceled.

    Edit: as this ticket (1360) brings up, adding a field for exempt users at the course level or option from the transcript level would also be a huge help

  • Guest
    Oct 6, 2022

    I might have just opened up a similar ticket!

  • Guest
    Jul 29, 2022

    Similar request but different use case - for US sexual harassment courses that are assigned based upon employee or manager status, a similar exception to auto re-enrollments would be helpful! Could a rule-set functionality be added??

    Scenario: When someone gets promoted, they need the manager version of the course but the employee version will still auto reassign. Could a rule set be added to the auto re-enroll feature such as "must still meet assignment criteria" or "must not have XYZ data" - in this case, I have a custom field to ID managers.

    A similar rule would address the issue above - if auto re-enrollment had an exception field such as "must not equal these usernames."

    Such a feature would be super helpful!!

  • Guest
    Jul 12, 2022

    We have had similar issues.
    our only work around has been to mark them as complete rather than un-enrol so that they dont get re-enrolled. Not perfect, and can be confusing for other admins, but at least users arent accidently getting enrolment emails.