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Status Low Probability of Delivery
Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 5, 2023

Sort custom field dropdowns on "Edit Enrollment Key" screen in alphabetical order

Currently, custom field dropdowns on the "Edit Enrollment Key" screen are arranged in a scrambled order, making it cumbersome and difficult to find the right entry for any custom fields. See attached screenshot for an example of California counties arranged in a seemingly random order.

I'd like this to be fixed to arrange them in alphabetical order.

This kind of thing was already fixed on other screens throughout the LMS, like the Edit User screen, where the Admin Refresh had previously scrambled the order of these dropdown choices. For some reason, Absorb Support tells me that this last remaining problem is "behaving as expected" and that the only way to fix this is to submit this improvement suggestion. So here we are!

Please vote to help get this fixed! Thanks all!

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  • Admin
    David Ferrucho
    Jan 21, 2025

    Thank you for sharing your idea with us. After careful review, we’ve determined that we’re unable to prioritize this suggestion at this time. While we appreciate the value of your request, our current roadmap commitments and resource constraints mean we cannot pursue it in the near future.

    Rest assured, your idea has been saved in our repository, and we will revisit it as we continue to evaluate potential improvements to custom fields.

    Your feedback is invaluable in shaping our platform, and we truly appreciate your effort in contributing to its growth.

    2 replies
  • Guest
    Apr 5, 2023

    Yes, seems like this is an easy fix and something that just got overlooked in the last admin upgrade. We identified this issue with course Resoures and you were able to make it alphabetical so hopefully this can be fixed asap too. Thanks.