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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on May 20, 2023

Mass Course Enrollment Across Multiple Departments

We need a way to efficiently assign courses to employees from multiple departments. Example: we have weekly safety training courses for our non-office based employees we need to assign training to across multiple departments across multiple locations. Currently, Absorb only allows a Group to have one Department assigned to it, all other Users must be assigned individually. What is the point in having a Group vs. Department? Beyond the Department assigned to a group, all users will need added/subtracted from their respective Departments and Groups assuming they don't belong to the one Department assigned to the Group. We need to be able to add multiple departments to a Group. Another workaround would be the ability to assign courses to Departments and their Sub-Departments. The situation we find ourselves in right now is this:

Safety training for 29 different Departments. Search each for department, view users, assign users, search course category, search, select course, and assign = Huge waste of time. This burns about 30 minutes a week. And to add to it, if you click through "too fast" not all the users are assigned and you have to reassign them. Super fun.

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