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Status Unreviewed
Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 27, 2023

Allow built-in fields on user profiles to be drop-downs

When users or admins fill in a job title, they can currently put anything. If they go outside of our company's roles (which we know will happen often as it happened on our previous LMS), then it makes it difficult to assign things based on job title. If we have several variations of the title "Team Member," we cannot easily assign training and

Creating a separate custom field to create a drop-down selection leaves admins with two "Job Title" fields in the system since you cannot hide it. This creates confusion on the admin end. Our system administrators can differentiate between them, but it is difficult for our department-level admins. They may fill in the wrong one which means their team members will not be assigned training.

Allowing us to create a drop-down for this field would eliminate the need for an additional custom field while allowing us to limit what users can select. This makes the system much easier to use for admins and users.

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