Groups are created and updated in the Admin Experience for a variety of reasons. It would be helpful to have a notes field to allow admins to be able to track why a group was created or updated and the anticipated use.
This would be vital information to convey to other admins, especially when the group is used for enrollment rules.
While I may know what the intended use is, it may not be immediately be apparent to others. This can potentially result in erroneous enrollments if group rules were applied incorrectly.
A prime example of this is exclusionary groups that are intended to subtract learners from enrollment rules (subtraction through addition / inverse math).
This would be vital information to convey to other admins, especially when the group is used for enrollment rules.
While I may know what the intended use is, it may not be immediately be apparent to others. This can potentially result in erroneous enrollments if group rules were applied incorrectly.
A prime example of this is exclusionary groups that are intended to subtract learners from enrollment rules (subtraction through addition / inverse math).