Hi! We've found that we've added the same course multiple times from Amplify Plus and would LOVE to have an alert notifying us that a course has already been converted to confirm if we still want to convert the course. Thanks!
Thank you for this idea. While we consider this, please be aware that you can filter the catalog today using the filter parameter 'Converted to Course' = Yes to see the list of courses that you've converted, or set that to No to exclude previsouly converted courses in your content discovery.
If you were designing this enhancement, where in the process would you prefer to be alerted? Would that be as you enter the conversion configiguration modal, or when you commit to the conversion?
Thank you for this idea. While we consider this, please be aware that you can filter the catalog today using the filter parameter 'Converted to Course' = Yes to see the list of courses that you've converted, or set that to No to exclude previsouly converted courses in your content discovery.
If you were designing this enhancement, where in the process would you prefer to be alerted? Would that be as you enter the conversion configiguration modal, or when you commit to the conversion?