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Categories Curriculum
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 20, 2024

Curriculum Progress for previously completed courses

We use curriculums to group courses based on position. When someone is promoted, we enroll them into the new curriculum. However, we don't want them to have to retake courses they previously completed.

I thought it had the capability to recognize the current course enrollment status. For example, 12 of 15 courses were completed before so it should show only 3 courses as not started. (I know we would still have to enroll them into the 3 courses if they weren't already enrolled) However, it now seems that it asks them to be enrolled in all courses again. The only exception is apparently if they completed all the required courses before enrolling them into the new curriculum, then it will mark the curriculum as completed.

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  • Guest
    Jan 17, 2025

    We use the system mainly like this and we have "standard" courses, which are available in multiple curriculums. If a user completed a standard course in Curriculum A, it remains completed and will show as this in curriculum D/E/Z, and the user can move on to the next uncompleted course. Maybe there is something off within the course settings which would prevent the system from behaving like this.

  • Guest
    Dec 23, 2024

    We use the system in a similar way - when someone is added to the LMS, they're automatically assigned a curriculum based on their job role. Sometimes they will move to another job role, as the original poster said, and a new curriculum is assigned, but a lot of the courses within the new curriculum were also in the old one, so they should be showing as 'complete' for those courses. In addition, in our industry, a user can be hired for 3 months, leave, then be re-hired several months later in a different role, and again, we don't want them to have to re-do courses they've already completed.