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Status Fair Probability of Delivery
Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 10, 2025
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit LMS-I-4171 Add more fields to bulk course update.

Multiple Course Edits: Please be able to have all the course edits available to use for multiple edits. Merged

Currently, only a few course edits are available when editing "multiple" course edits, and it would be more efficient if all the course edits were available when editing multiple courses at a time.

Example: I currently do not have the "Allow Course Content Download" toggle on, and I want all my courses to be turned on. I will have to go into each course to turn it on. This will take me days to complete.

I feel this would be a simple fix and a huge advantage for us admins and Absorb.
