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Sync Salesforce Leads as a User

In the current salesforce connector we can only create absorb users from salesforce if they are a contact. We are not able to do this with a salesforce lead. So the only option is to convert them to a contact or manually make the user in Absorb
4 months ago in Salesforce 1 Reviewed

Additional e-commerce integrations, please!

Consider an integration with Salesforce, please.
4 months ago in eCommerce / Salesforce 1 Reviewed

Add Time Spent to Salesforce Connector

Time Spent is a useful field to report on on the LMS and it would be as useful to bring this data with the Salesforce Connector in the Contact Enrollment object, where the field is already existing
about 1 year ago in Salesforce 1 Currently Available

Create Salesforce connector to send coupons from Salesforce

Our company incentivizes equipment purchases by providing a training coupon. I enter 40-50 coupons per week. Our team wants to automate this process to send coupons from Salesforce to streamline productivity.
9 months ago in eCommerce / Salesforce 2 Low Probability of Delivery

Include Task records in Salesforce Integration

Currently, we use Tasks submissions to verify some external hands-on exercises that go along with our courses. Managing the tasks from 30+ courses is very cumbersome, as tasks have to be managed one course at a time with no overview report. While ...
10 months ago in Salesforce 1 Fair Probability of Delivery

Sync Status (active/inactive) for Absorb Learner to Absorb User record in Salesforce

It would be helpful to have some indication of a Learner's "Status" on the corresponding Absorb User record in Salesforce. At present, it is difficult to ensure consistency of activation/sync data between the two platforms. Our use case involves s...
4 months ago in Salesforce 0

Permission Set to allow users to sync Contacts to Absorb, and not see Absorb sync settings

It would be helpful to have a permission set that allows users to sync Contacts with Absorb, and not see or edit the Absorb sync settings. Currently the permission set "Absorb LMS Administration Baseline" is the only one that successfully allows n...
10 months ago in Salesforce 0

Support full country name in addition to two letter code

Add support for full country name in addition to two letter country code in the Country field when setting up Salesforce connector. Many CRMs store country as full name instead of the code and the Country field's tie to Address and Phone increase ...
over 1 year ago in Salesforce 1 Reviewed

Comprehensive Permission Set for Salesforce Integration User

Today, when setting up the Salesforce Connector, the "Integration User" (the user used to set up the connector) needs to be a user with the System Administrator profile. This idea proposes that Absorb create a Salesforce Permission Set for the Int...
over 1 year ago in Salesforce 0 Fair Probability of Delivery

Salesforce sync - allow External Id to be sync'd

When setting up the Salesforce connector to sync person accounts, i am unable to map a Salesforce field to the External Id field.We need this to subsequently update the Absorb user via the API
9 months ago in Salesforce 0