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Global Calendar View

Associates on west coast cannot view class times in their time zone until they sign up and it goes on their outlook calendar in the correct time zone. When they look in absorb all classes show EST time which makes it hard for them to confirm class...
3 months ago in Engage 0 Unreviewed

Billboard looping (Accessibility concern)

Billboard looping should have the ability to pause or not loop at all and users manually advance themselves for accessibility purposes. Slowing down the loop does not meet accessibility standards.
7 months ago in Billboards 1 Unreviewed
125 VOTE

Add email notification to the collaborations tool

I'm not sure if I'm missing a setting somewhere but I think it would be really useful to receive an email notification when someone comments on a post in the collaborations tool (like in lots of other areas in Absorb). I don't expect our learners ...
over 3 years ago in Collaborations 33 Reviewed

Public Billboard

I would like the ability to create a billboard that is only shown on our Public facing page. I believe that this could be accomplished by creating a toggle where the user can set the billboard to be available publicly, without being shown on the d...
about 2 months ago in Billboards 6 Currently Available

Collaborations - notifications and tags

It would be really useful for the learners and facilitators to receive notifications either on their dashboard or in an email when a new collaboration is posted or a new comment is added. It would also be useful to have the ability to tag all or j...
about 1 year ago in Collaborations 3 Unreviewed

Pinning Posts in Collaboration

I would like to be able to pin posts in collaborations. This would allow admin and support to post answers to frequently asked questions, or recommended reading lists etc. and pin within the collaboration for students to view easily.
over 1 year ago in Collaborations 0 Unreviewed

Make competitive "teams" for leaderboards

While users can "compete" against each other in leaderboards, our company would also like to add the ability for users to compete as teams in a leaderboard. For example, teams made by group or manager, teams made by job title, or teams made throug...
over 2 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards 5 Reviewed

Create a workflow when Leaderboard point total is reached

So you earned 1000 pts? So what? It would be great if we could set milestones on our Leaderboard to trigger an action. Ex. You reached 100 points & earned a badge. You reached 200 points. You have been enrolled into this free course of review ...
about 1 year ago in Leaderboards 0 Unreviewed

More ways to earn Leaderboard points

Leaderboards need more ways to earn points and help build engagement within the LMS. We would love a way to add where and when learners earned points such as: Participating in Collaborations Commenting on News Articles Answering Polls
about 2 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards 1 Unreviewed

Have leaderboards for courses, not users

It would be great to have a leaderboard for specific courses instead of user groups. For example, if I run a campaign on Customer Service, I want to see who earned the most points just for that content. Currently, all points earned from other cour...
over 2 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards 2 Unreviewed