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Expand API to delete users

Currently, you can set user accounts as inactive with the API but cannot delete the accounts via API (this needs to be done manually).
10 months ago in RESTful API V1.5 3

API : GET the "Allow Self Enrollment" data per course

looking for a way to retrieve the list of departments that can access online course. Same as what is shown in the GUI attached. Using API, I'm fetching the state of my 160+ courses and I need to see at one glance what course belong to what depart...
5 months ago in RESTful API V1.5 0

Expand API Reach

We are building out an incredible amount of APIs and the extent of their data and use is very limited. For example, User Data is only their user profile. We need access to actual user data (e.g. logins)! In addition, credits and competencies. Grea...
over 2 years ago in Integration / Reporting / RESTful API V1.5 1

Delete terminated users

While Bamboo HR and Absorb seem to integrate well on many features, there seems to be no integration for deleting users that are no longer employed (terminated). Could you please add an integration that deactivates Users once their employment is t...
5 months ago in Integration 0

Support for Google Meet-powered ILCs

More and more companies are now using Google Meet, instead of Zoom or Teams. Although we know that using the URL allows for this too, it'd be very good to have Google Meet along with the existing options.
about 3 years ago in Instructor Led Courses / Integration 3 Low Probability of Delivery

Add break duration to API documentation to be able to synchronize it for correct training hours monitoring.

For our personnel reporting we need to report training hours of the employees per years. It would be great if you could synchronize with session time + break duration of an ILC to have a more accurate value of the training hours.
3 months ago in RESTful API V1.5 0

Add GET API for Question Banks

We are trying to use Absorb for certification testing, but we need to make questions and question banks available to SMEs for review, without giving them administrative access to the question banks. Since Absorb does not provide a report that can ...
almost 3 years ago in Integration / RESTful API V1.5 1 Currently Available

Ability to Assign Host for a Zoom Meeting/Webinar

The ability to control who will be assigned host privileges for an upcoming Zoom Webinar/Meeting would be amazing. Sometimes we host sessions that have multiple instructors to them, and currently there is no way to control which individual will ge...
over 1 year ago in Zoom 0

Integration with zoom

When more than one (zoom-) instructor is added as an instructor on a e.g, ILC then one of them are defined as Host. Suggestion: Specify which one of the added Instructors who is the Host, and ensure that the other instructors automatically will be...
almost 3 years ago in Instructor Led Courses / Integration / Zoom 1 Reviewed

Maintenance Connection - Have an interface with Labor calendar and outlook calendar

Have the option to tie the Labor calendar and outlook calendar for Maintenance Connection
3 months ago in Integration 0