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My ideas: Create

Showing 14

Absorb Create: Image editor (flip, rotate, colour hue)

It would be really helpful to add the ability to edit basic functions of an image within a shape or on a slide. For example, the ability to flip horizontally, vertically or rotate an image. At present, I have to edit the image outside of Create us...
about 1 year ago in Create 2 Currently Available

Content download to xlf to allow external translation companies to translate content

i would like to request the function to download the Absorb create content to .xlf files or other which would then allows smooth and efficient possibility to translate material
almost 2 years ago in Create 2 Currently Available

Add an option to Create courses that prevents learners from advancing to the next slide until the audio on the slide is complete.

This would help ensure that learners cannot advance until the slide is complete. If they advance now, and the slide is required but not complete, then the course does not show as complete and they have to return to the menu and find the slide that...
over 2 years ago in Create 2 Currently Available

Add free text to add questions page

I would like a question page where they student has to leave a free text answer. Currently it is only offered in the quiz page.
about 1 year ago in Create 1 Currently Available