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My ideas: Create

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Allow the tracking of interactions with SCORM 2004 (4th edition) in order to see the questions and answers of the learners

For quiz LMS
over 3 years ago in Create 5 Currently Available

Scalability and Time Saving: Existing Pages

Using the existing pages option to add new pages to a course, time saving features would enable larger scale edits to content. Provide the ability to search for a lesson, rather than scrolling through folder icons Provide the ability to select mor...
over 1 year ago in Create 1 Unreviewed

Add subtitles to media within a tooltip

It would be helpful to be able to add subtitles within an audio or video file that is added as part of a tooltip.
2 months ago in Create 1 Unreviewed

Voice (text to speech) and music (other audio) - Audio editor

Some clients who are used to using things like Articulate have asked for the ability to add voice over some background music. Maybe it's in the intro slide or whatever, but having a simple audio editor built-in could be a help in giving those crea...
5 months ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Create: Drag and Drop anywhere in drop zone

I would like to be able to have a drop zone where I can add multiple drag items without them snapping to the center of the drop zone. For example, I have an activity with a Venn diagram and I want to drag multiple statements in each part of the Ve...
8 months ago in Create 2 Unreviewed

Automatic transcription (Pinpoint) for Absorb Create courses

When we are creating course packages with video content, we're unable to leverage automatic transcriptions on videos. This feature exists for video lessons only via Absorb Pinpoint, and enables you to automatically add subtitles and increase the c...
over 1 year ago in Create 4 Reviewed

Improved handling of re-published lessons in Absorb Create

Anytime a Create lesson is re-published, it updates that lesson's file within the LMS. So any user who has already completed that lesson will keep the actual completion status for that lesson within the LMS online course, however, if they click to...
6 months ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Email alerts when a Reviewer leaves a comment in Absorb Create

It would be great to receive an email alert when a Reviewer leaves a comment on an unpublished course in Create. I am part of a team that reviews all content prior to publishing, but the only way to know if there are notes or comments is to manual...
2 months ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Allow images, objects, etc to line up with one another. Not just snap to grid

Have the ability to have images, objects, text boxes, etc line up with one another. Currently, I do this by going into arranging and lining items up with the numbers on the x and y-axis. It would be much easier if there was a feature to auto-align...
over 2 years ago in Create 7 Under Consideration

Create should have the ability to zoom in and out as you are building a course page.

A majority of my course creation in Absorb comes from importing .pptx slides. This, of course, requires some modifications and adjustments to my course pages. Having the ability to zoom in and out of a course page while building would allow for gr...
7 months ago in Create 1 Unreviewed