Hello, This issue was brought up once when I connected with a representative from Absorb. When I upload reports, there's no field to add 'supervisor'. that is something I'd have to do manually. Is there any way to add in this column? It would make...
I find reading through these questions that some of the problems are things that I myself have found work arounds for. I would assume that there are a lot of users who find the directions for how to use absorb very simplistic and lacking in the re...
Please consider providing course translations, AI Voice Absorb Create, and subtitles in Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia). This is crucial as Indonesian is a popular language now, and many of our learners use it for their training. Thank you.
Courses in the Absorb Amplify catalog include course durations which can be seen as you browse through the catalogue options. However, once converted into our course offerings, that course duration is no longer listed/viewable on the catalogue thu...
How about changing the default message of "you have passed this question" and "you have failed this question" to one that has a growth mindset approach? This kind of feedback is detrimental to a positive learning experience
FAQ Category Creation to Create a Better Search UX
Right now the functionality is set up where all FAQ are just a long laundry list. It does not provide a great learner experience for them to search for different areas of their questions. For an example, if we have FAQs about courses, subscription...
Automatically pull in a course image into a set message template
I would like to be able to create more appealing email messages with images, but in a more automated way than is currently possible. So instead of adding an image to the message template at course level, it would be great if I could pull in the co...
Customize Absorb Academy with Org Specific Guidance
Similarly to Absorb Amplify, I think it would be extremely beneficial to allow System Admins to convert Absorb Academy curriculum and customize it with our organization's guidance on specific topics. e.g. Absorb LMS Admin Training - Admin > Use...
Users appear to have completed a course if enrolled before a learning object is added
We often enroll users in a course by API before the learning object is available for upload. Once the learning object is added, all enrolled users are marked by Absorb as having completed the course, even though users have not yet viewed the learn...
Allow Restrictions of Learning Objects within Online Course
If one Online Course contains a diversity of learning objects such as SCORM interactive graded assignment, a printable document version of the same video lesson, with an assessment. We can restrict view of the interactive version to either higher ...