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Allow for authors to be changed on news articles

I am trying to upload news articles for my company but it only allows me to name system administrators as authors. I need to be able to label the author or remove myself from the article.
8 months ago in Content 0 Unreviewed

upload function per lessons

As a university our weekly lessons contains assignments. students in almost all HE courses has to submit some sort of assignment in a text, video, pdf or audio formats. its essential to have an upload function within a lesson or after a lesson.
12 months ago in Content 1 Unreviewed

Seeking for Absorb Content

Add "disable seeking" for absorb content
over 1 year ago in Amplify 0 Unreviewed

Add Course ID for LinkedIn Learning

With the existing LinkedIn Learning integration, when I convert my LinkedIn courses to Absorb courses this does not currently create a Course ID. I would like the conversion to automatically include a course ID in order to use this as a unique ide...
over 1 year ago in Content 0 Unreviewed

Screenshot Notification for Admin to see if User Has Taken a Screenshot of Exam Questions

This will allow Admin to see if a user takes advantage of exam questions and use their computer, iPad, or phone to screenshot any of the questions. As this has caused a lot of issues, we are wanting to further avoid these users as best as possible...
over 1 year ago in Content 0 Unreviewed

Nudge email Monday-Friday

Why can't Nudge be set to just the work week?
over 1 year ago in Content 0 Unreviewed


almost 2 years ago in Content 0 Unreviewed


testing grd
almost 2 years ago in Content 0 Unreviewed

Post approximate time durations for videos available in the Amplified Library

Create a notification of the video's time duration in the title or something in the main screen instead of making us dig through the description, IF it's even available. This will better allow us to gauge the approximate time needed to complete co...
almost 2 years ago in Content 0 Unreviewed

Users with a course status of 'In Progress' continue with the same course version

When course content is updated the assigned 'in progress' users will continue with the version they originally launched. Currently that version is overwritten. I find that when I update a course, usually Scorm content, the in progress users will h...
almost 2 years ago in Content 0 Unreviewed