Most of our billboards are used to link to courses. It seems as though it should be easier than having to go retrieve a course link and paste it. Would love to see an option in addition to file/url to be "course, and the admin can choose from the ...
We want to make leaderboards available to our customers and would like to have the option to make them specific to each user's department. We have thousands of customer departments which isn't feasible to set up individually. Ideally there would b...
Be able to add a variety of image sizes similar to the billboard dimensions, or edit how the news post shows up when popped up. Not simply divided randomly like it currently is.
The collaborations feature is a great addition to the platform however the entry point is usually the recent items, from there its not "obvious" that you have to find the small text links on the right hand side to find the indvidual collaborations...
Currently when we add a poll, the possible answers are scrambled. I would like the ability to put the possible answers in a logical order and have it display that way to the learner as well.
Ability to go directly to a comment or question from a collaborations report
I run a collaborations report so that I can identify new comments or questions. However, it is very difficult to go from this report to the actual comment or question so that I can respond. There is no link and no search function within the collab...
I would like my leaderboards to accumulate the assessment score for the points system. So that when someone that scores better on the assessment they are the leader in points.
Option to create playlists within Collaboration or its own section. Group resources, courses, posts, etc as a Playlist. Users can subscribe or enrol in a playlist. Playlists can be posted in Collaborations. Will better allow for informal learning.