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Add email notification to the collaborations tool

I'm not sure if I'm missing a setting somewhere but I think it would be really useful to receive an email notification when someone comments on a post in the collaborations tool (like in lots of other areas in Absorb). I don't expect our learners ...
over 3 years ago in Collaborations 36 Gathering Interest

Collaborations - notifications and tags

It would be really useful for the learners and facilitators to receive notifications either on their dashboard or in an email when a new collaboration is posted or a new comment is added. It would also be useful to have the ability to tag all or j...
over 1 year ago in Collaborations 4 Future Consideration

Pinning Posts in Collaboration

I would like to be able to pin posts in collaborations. This would allow admin and support to post answers to frequently asked questions, or recommended reading lists etc. and pin within the collaboration for students to view easily.
over 1 year ago in Collaborations 1 Future Consideration

Collaboration - Add custom field or Job title field to display name

When a learner posts on a forum, we would like it to include their profession or job title after their full name either through a custom field or the job title field found in Absorb LMS.
11 months ago in Collaborations 1 Future Consideration

Collaborations Reporting - Questions, Upvotes, Answers, Best Answer Reporting

Ability to report on questions and their answers and posts and their comments/ likes/ etc in a way that connects corresponding questions and answers or posts and comments. Right now, each item is separate in the Collaborations Activity report, so ...
about 1 year ago in Collaborations 1 Future Consideration

Deleting Collaborations

It would be very helpful to be able to delete Collaborations that were either created by mistake or not needed. I understand they can be made Inactive, however, the collaboration that is not needed takes up unnecessary space in the dashboard.
about 3 years ago in Collaborations / Engage 2 Future Consideration

Show Collaborations Description in the Collaboration

Show the collaboration description in the actual collaborations. Right now I only see the description from the Collaborations report on the admin view.
about 1 year ago in Collaborations 1 Future Consideration

Collaboration - increase character limit

Increase the charatcer limit on posts, comments and replies on the collaboration feature.
almost 2 years ago in Collaborations 1 Future Consideration

Auto "enroll" course enrollees in an Engage Collaboration

There doesn't appear to be a way to limit Collaboration participants to enrollees for a particular course. Adding the Collaboration to a course does allow the user to get to the Collaboration from the course page, but ONLY if the Collaboration is ...
about 3 years ago in Collaborations / Engage 3 Future Consideration

Ability to moderate comments/posts in a Collaboration

It would be great to have the ability to moderate comments/posts within a Collaboration before they go live. Currently the only way to handle this is to first, hope for the best, and second, delete a post/comment. here could be a role for Moderato...
over 1 year ago in Collaborations 0