I'm not sure if I'm missing a setting somewhere but I think it would be really useful to receive an email notification when someone comments on a post in the collaborations tool (like in lots of other areas in Absorb). I don't expect our learners to actively log in every day just to see if anyone has interacted with their posts. This leads to most attempts at discussion to dry up after only one interaction.
This is a must have. Without it collaborations are clunky and difficult to use and manage.
Totally agree with all the comments below - this will support the collaboration tool and provide the ability to engage the audience with the latest comments etc.
Considering the platform is so powerful and has an answer to pretty much everything, this seems a really basic feature to not have. Our clients are busy business people who will not engage with posts if it doesn't land in front of them. It means that our engagement levels seriously drop with the Collaboration feature, which is disappointing and I feel shame when explaining to clients that there are no types of notifications whatsoever to let them know when someone posts something.
It needs automatic notifications for new posts and comments on posts.
This would be fantastic for us as well. I am currently managing MANY collaborations and have to check every morning to see if anyone posted anything that I need to respond to/take action on.
This feature would be beneficial forour use case too.
I also feel very strongly this feature needs to be implemented. Since replies also don't show up on the preview tile for Collaborations on the dashboard, the only way to know if there are specific replies to discussion threads is to go into Collaborations and open them one by one. Users aren't going to engage this way.
We need email notifications for Collaborations posts and replies, AND we need the feed tile on the dashboard to show comments - not just the main post.
How come this is not implemented yet?
with all the new development happening it seems trivial to just include this one, so many
why not add it as an additional option to Webhooks for example? i am sure there are many simple workflows to enable it.
from an instructor perspective and a learner perspectives this is an essential part of engaging (after all, that's the name right?)
Surprising that this is not built into the Collaboration platform. A key element is of the Collaboration Space is...well...collaboration. Not having a notification feature when your post receives a comment or you get tagged creates bad friction for collaboration and diminishes engagement.
Can we get an update from the Absorb product team on this?
It makes sense to have a Notification or Email sent to learners when someone posts on the Collaborations. Please!
Please add this to the roadmap! This would be a valuable feature. We aren't even live yet and our testers are asking for it!
I'm dismayed this isn't already available. We left another LMS provider for Absorb, and this was one feature that the former LMS had nailed - ability to @ a user as well as send email notifications. Sad to have lost that ability.
Allow users to browse different Collaboration spaces and join the ones that interest them. Allow ability to search, filter, and TAG Collaboration spaces and posts. Allow ability to pin favorite Collaborations. Allow Collaborations to show most active users/ gamification. Allow notifications (daily, weekly, monthly, real-time) for Collaborations.
We are moving our entire forum platform for Absorb and this is a key feature needed. Please add this back to the roadmap!
completely agree! To make collaboration a useful tool as part of the course or learning trajectory a nudge/email/message would be helpful. especially if you use multiple collaboarations
Agree with this one. People don't just check back in to see if further replies or comments have been posted and hence threads just die. email notification would fuel better collaboration!
This Engage feature just doesn't work. It needs to notify people when they receive a comment to their post.
This is a massive missing feature. How would anyone know if somone has responded to their post besides logging into it everyday? :/
We would really love notifications added! This would make or break us using the service.
Not sure what clients provided feedback on this that wouldn't benefit from having this added. This would be so helpful!!
Considering that this part of the add-on/pay extra features, I was hoping for this to be more robust given its name, "Collaborations." If Learners are in the middle of multi-week courses but they've completed all the other assignments and self-paced work there's no need for them to log in. If part of an assignment is to respond/reply to feedback on a project's post it makes it very disjointed to have to periodically check over and over to ensure everyone can/did respond during the 'review' or 'feedback' phase.