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My ideas: RESTful API V1.5

Showing 23

Expand Infuse or V1 API to allow for mass-attendance status updates for ILCs

We have webinars (ILCs) that are attended by thousands of users. Our webinar provider can send us the details of whom actually attended and we would like to automate setting the attendance on Absorb. However, the current Infuse / V1 API endpoints ...
almost 3 years ago in Infuse / Instructor Led Courses / Integration / RESTful API V1.5 0 Unreviewed

Add API Call to Update Certificates

We would like users to only have to re-certify at the highest level (instead of completing all lower levels within certification path). As of right now, the API calls can re-enroll users and complete their lower level certifications, however, this...
about 3 years ago in Integration / RESTful API V1.5 0 Unreviewed

Allow filtering users by department on api/Rest/v1/users

It really sucks to have to download over 100,000 users (over 1GB of data) just to find the 5 users within a department.
about 3 years ago in Integration / RESTful API V1.5 0 Unreviewed