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Core LMS

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Purchased ILC's - email sent to administrator

At present, when someone purchases an ILC session - there is no notificaiton to an Administrator that this has been done. This is essential to track training days and how full they are, rather than having to go in and pull a report.
3 months ago in eCommerce / Instructor Led Courses 1 Low Probability of Delivery

ILC Session Enrollment does not show Date

Challenge: I Have multiple sessions created for a topic. when i enroll a set of people to a sessions, the dropdown does not show the date of the session. it only shows session Name and how many slots available. How will i know which session is whi...
about 1 year ago in Instructor Led Courses 1

More encouraging feedback for task errors

How about changing the default message of "you have passed this question" and "you have failed this question" to one that has a growth mindset approach? This kind of feedback is detrimental to a positive learning experience
12 months ago in Assessment Lessons 0

Chronological sorting of the ILCs

It would be very helpful if the ILCS could be sorted by date of the webinar offered. The sorting Trending would not fit as well as Newest.
over 2 years ago in Core LMS / Learner Experience 1

Allow inactive course credits, previously earned to still apply to a curriculum - course is no longer offered but the credit is till active towards the curriculum.

Our curriculums change courses from time to time, especially in the elective credit category. In our previous database, we had an option to have a course remaining active, but not currently offered and the credit could still be applied to the curr...
9 months ago in Curriculum 0

Add Version Number to Course and Curricula Activity Reports

I would like to be able to display which version of the course a learner completed in Course and Curricula Activity Reports. I know this used to be available in the Courses report, but I don't see it as an option to add anymore. This is incredibly...
almost 3 years ago in Curriculum / Online Courses / Reporting 5 Currently Available

Offline mode for use on LAN, never to be connected to the internet.

Our company has required trainings that we cannot put on the internet or cloud for security reasons. We have a LAN that contains this information, and if we could download a desktop version of the LMS and build and track trainings strictly on our ...
3 months ago in Core LMS 0

Include External Training submission as course object and in curriculum

We'd like to be able to have the external training submission form as a course object and available in curriculums. Some courses we have require learners to complete an external training as part of it, and it would be a much better user experience...
almost 2 years ago in Learner Experience 1

Ability to set default position of LE player control

The new LE player bar appears in the bottom right of the window when a user opens a SCORM learning object. We use Articulate Storyline packages with next/previous buttons, also in the bottom right. Although they don't overlap, the player bar does ...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0

Adjust the completion date in bulk for completed ILCs

ILC sessions take place on a certain day/time. If an admin marks attendance as completed more than one day later, the completion date will be the day that the attendance is marked, rather than the date of the ILC session. This is counterintuitive ...
over 1 year ago in Instructor Led Courses 1