I wanted to inquire if you could revise the calendar feature to be a training calendar of upcoming events as opposed to a personal calendar of registered events? This way, when overall trainings are coming up, we can see all of them at one time.
Create multiple layout options (templates) for dashboards
Having the ability to quickly select a layout template that suits your organizational needs would be fabulous. It helps to diversify the landing page users experience, it allows for less scrolling and the ability to effectively organize and presen...
While editing a global resource, the ability to click "view" to open the current file attached, similar to how it is when managing course uploads. Currently, it's only easy to check the file is accurate via the learner's dashboard.
over 1 year ago
in Admin Experience
Low Probability of Delivery
Add ability to "suggest" course or curricula without requiring it
Having the ability to suggest content to users based upon their role, versus merely placing on the "featured courses" tiles or requiring that the user take the content would be advantageous in driving exploration of content.
Pre-Test Score Data Entry Field for Instructor-Led Sessions
At my organization, we test in and out of our technical training course content. We could really use a data entry in the back end of instructor-led sessions to enter pre-test scores.
Option to only display most current certification for completed Courses on Transcript page
Currently we believe the duplicate listings for courses on a user's transcript has the potential to get out of hand and be confusing. We would like the ability to sort chronologically, and only display the most current and relevant courses.
Course Recommendations - Exclude optional courses from curricula
Curriculum has two groups. Group 1 - Questionnaire Group 2 - Onsite ILC and Remote ILC (Only 1 is required) Learner has completed the Curriculum. (Questionnaire & Onsite ILC) Learner sees the Remote ILC in their Course Recommendations ribbon. ...
Differing Date Format in Report Listings and Generated Reports
When creating a generated report from Absorb, the date format that appears within your data may differ from what is displayed within Absorb itself. The report is exported in whichever format is chosen in your Portal Settings, however it may still ...
Allow Learners to Choose What Information Other Learners can see in their Social Profile
Right now, admin choose what information is visible in social profiles from the Portal Settings. Learners should have the option to choose what information of theirs is visible to other learners. Different learners may have different privacy prefe...