Allow access to user transcript without ability to modify enrollments.
We don't want to give instructors enrollment permission, but we do want them to see lesson details only found in the User Transcript. Currently the only way to give this kind of access is to set admin permissions to "User Transcript" in Reports an...
The files that are uploaded, especially video files, sometimes need to be downloaded. For example, There was a course we created from 2020 that had a video. The original copy of the video was lost/removed/deleted so we wanted to download the copy ...
Additional Session Confirmation if user changes sessions
(updated/ignore) - Apparently I didn't have on the messages that send updates to this does exist. whoops. When a learner enrolls into an ILC session they get a calendar invite in 2 ways (1-on the registration screen as a button, 2 -...
It would be very useful to be able to add the catalogues, like the courses, to the respective groups.. This would limit who sees which catalogue, regardless of the template, what is necessary for us.
Not allow Admins to see their Supervisors training records
When someone is a created Admin roll have a rule stating they can see the people in their department minus those that they report to. This way they have access over the people who report to them, and not the people that are their supervisors.
Selection Display Length for Automatic Enrollment Rule is too Short to Confirm Selection -- Especially for Competency
Under: "Admin >Edit Course >Availability tab >Enable Automatic Enrollment >Automatic Enrollment Rule >Rule Pulldown: Competency"
The Rule display length is much too short, and clicking on the selected Competency does not show the f...
Create a feature to enable evaluations in the system to be assigned by session. Also, allow it for curriculum. Why the above feature mentioned would be nice is because currently, should you disable evaluation it will delete previous evaluation ans...
It would be great if we could disable the merge function for some of our stakeholder administrators (but keep the ability to add and modify users) as this action is permanent and not always thought through beforehand.
over 1 year ago
in Admin Experience
Low Probability of Delivery