I would like to be able to send a unique nudge/communication with its own frequency to individuals who failed to complete a course by the due date. We will want them to complete the course even if they are late, but lack automated means to effecti...
Would it be possible to add a learning object that is only a text box? This would allow for course authors to add verbiage that isn't necessarily tied to a video, URL, document upload, or assignment.
Add Version Number to Course and Curricula Activity Reports
I would like to be able to display which version of the course a learner completed in Course and Curricula Activity Reports. I know this used to be available in the Courses report, but I don't see it as an option to add anymore. This is incredibly...
Hello, Could it be possible to increase the limit of characters in the field "Description" ? As our trainings are accredited, we need to put a minium "volume" of information and sometimes we are reaching the limit with the most recent version of t...
Observation Checklist | Allow Admin role to review and approve
Many Admin roles are also the reviewer of an Observation Checklist. Need to allow them to review and approve without changing to the Reviewer experience. Could also make this feature selectable on role permissions set up.
When making evaluations required for course completion, the questions themselves are not mandatory, so this allows the user to skip the questions and just click 'submit'. This defeats the purpose of making it required. Please make both the evaluat...
Give admins and managers the ability to review quiz responses (so we can effectively retrain) and the ability to review uploaded documents during audits and inspections.
Observation Checklist - Need Skills Level Reporting
It would be helpful to be able to be able to run a report on a single skill within a checklist. This would be similar to reporting on a single question in an assessment or survey. Additionally, we would like to be able to filter results by departm...
Move question bank from the admin portal so that all employees have access to use
Could we pull the question bank from within the admin portal to the employee main screen for all employee to access who don’t have admin access? If I could have our employees create questionnaires for documents which they have revised/created usin...