We would love to have a status page to help us understand the current status of the Absorb infrastructure, similar to https://www.google.com/appsstatus/dashboard/ or https://status.instructure.com/ Specifically we want to know when the SSO or API ...
Reduce limitations on the new GA4 for Google Analytics
Previously, Absorb LMS allowed many more data points with google analytics. Now, with GA4, Absorb LMS provides much less data points. Please reduce the limitations on the new GA4 google analytics to allow for more data points to be gathered.
It would be nice if the content in Absorb Academy was translated in French. We want to share some of your trainings with our colleagues who speak French. Our organization operates mostly in Quebec.
almost 3 years ago
in Platform
Currently Available
Related to the general validation principles Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers to be applicable to the validation of medical device software or the validation of software used to design, develop, or manufacture medical devices. The clie...
A page or url for cookies which can be reached for cookie scan. (without any login)
We need a url/page (no content needed) which would be reachable on every route and drops the used cookies so that they can be collected and categorized to be shown in the panel by OneTrust.
The buttons look a little confusing; it feels as if two buttons have been merged together. The divider suggests the "+" icon may have a meaning other than enrolling (idk, share/add?). Probably, it would be nice to remove the divider at all or remo...
For our software, we have a link that customers can check to see if any issues they're having are universal issues (for us to work on) or localized issues (could be for us to work on, could be related to the client environment). This would be help...