We have created a workaround to allow staff to "test-out" of content so they do not have to take all of the content if they already know the topic. To do this, we create 2 courses: a Pre-Test course and if the learner fails the course, then they are auto-enrolled into the full review course. We are finding that any course listed as Failed does not count as a completed course in the Learner Progress Report. While someone might fail a course, they still have completed it and do not need to take it at this point. I would like to see any Failed courses be counted as a Completed course in the Learner Progress Report.
I don't agree with this either. In our company a fail means they need to re-do the course. I think a better option would be to have more fields on the learner progress report (as well as ILC session reports) for a fail column. I'd like to see (Complete, Fail, Absent, In-Progress,Enrolled) all on the reports.
Rebecca - I see what you are saying here. In my case, we want to consider a failed course as "complete" and then we use the failed score as a way to know if the user needs additional training. I agree - there should be an option to allow the Failed course to be marked as complete, or mark as Failed and incomplete and user has to retake.
It'd be even better if admins could set a rule as to what is done with users who fail a course. The course could: complete regardless of failure; trigger a re-enroll; stay in an incomplete status.
I do not agree with this suggestions since if someone fails a course in our company they need to retake it.
Perhaps it there is a way to mark it as Failed and have the option to auto re-enroll the user?