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Status Under Consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 20, 2021

Observation Checklists | Add Employee Acknowledgement

The observation checklist is a great tool to document OJT and similar events. I wish there was a way to require an eSignature or similar review for employees to acknowledge the review they received before submitting. It would allow for better protection against the, "you never showed me that" conversation. Currently, the checklists can be completed without any input from the learner at all. We are requiring our reviewers to attach a signed paper copy of our checklists, but since there is no way to mark the upload as a mandatory field, it can easily be skipped willfully or by mistake.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Aug 16, 2024

    I have just spent this week trying to figure out how to accomplish this very thing. This is our first LMS, so I am still trying to set things up in a way to move from paper to electronic. Currently, the supervisor fills out the annual review, meets with the employee to discuss, allows employee to write in comments/notes, and then the employee signs that they have received the review and had a meeting with their supervisor.

    I thought of having employees do an eSignature after the observation was complete and a meeting was held, but there is no way to have this occur in person as Observation Checklist is not available on mobile. And, if they don't login to eSign, then the course will never be completed which would affect compliance of the review being completed on a specific day.

    So, I'm going to have supervisors complete their review and then print out the Observation Checklist Results to show the employee during the meeting and have the employee sign the paper, which will be turned into HR.

    However, this now makes it a 'form' and therefore a controlled document which has to be put into our business management system.

    I added "Employee Comments/Notes" and "Employee Signature" questions to the checklist and made them optional. Now, when the checklist is printed there is a specific space left blank for the employee.

    Not what I would prefer, but only thing I could think of after spending several days trying different things.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Aug 2, 2022

    This is a great idea!

  • Guest
    Nov 1, 2021

    This would require that the user be able to view the checklist and see all of the answers -- this would be great! They also need to show on transcript and allow download of the final document. Three ways to see it -- can't use the I don't know or it's not there excuse.

  • Admin
    Robert Szustakowski
    Oct 28, 2021

    Thank you for submitting this idea, while eSigantures within Observation Checklists are not available, it is possible to setup an eSignature lesson and require learners to complete it before they are eligible for the Observation Checklist lesson. We are also considering this along with other Observation Checklists enhancements which provide the most value to the highest number of clients and balancing this with performance and stability within the system. This idea along with other checklist enhancements will be taken into consideration.

  • Guest
    Oct 20, 2021

    EXACTLY! This would be a hugely beneficial feature!