I am happy to confirm that support for the Ukrainian language was released as planned in November 2022. Thank you very much for engaging with this idea, and please keep making suggestions as to how we could improve your Absorb experience!
Thank you for everyone who voted for adding Ukrainian as a language to be supported by Absorb LMS. We will be providing Admins and Learners access to Ukrainian translation in our next release! You can follow our Release Notes at the link below and receive updates directly to your inbox on all our new features, including updated and new languages!
Hello Admins!
I am happy to confirm that support for the Ukrainian language was released as planned in November 2022. Thank you very much for engaging with this idea, and please keep making suggestions as to how we could improve your Absorb experience!
Thank you for everyone who voted for adding Ukrainian as a language to be supported by Absorb LMS. We will be providing Admins and Learners access to Ukrainian translation in our next release! You can follow our Release Notes at the link below and receive updates directly to your inbox on all our new features, including updated and new languages!
Follow our Absorb LMS Release Notes here: https://support.absorblms.com/hc/en-us/sections/204325708-Release-Notes