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Static date of birth field


We have a custom field created on our absorb portal to capture a learners date of birth.

When a learner is in a different timezone to UTC e.g. UTC plus 1. The custom date field takes the date entered by the learner at the time they create their user profile and then rolls the time back to midnight on the date and then takes the plus 1 due to the timezone off the date meaning the system captures the date of birth as the day before.

This example was provided by your help desk team, to explain why the date of birth was captured correctly for a learner on the learner portal. On the admin portal it was captured 1 day earlier.

Examples For Users Setting Date to September 5, 2022

  • If User is + UTC

    • At Midnight in Users Time Zone (September 5) it is still previous day in UTC (September 4)

    • Result: Learner sees September 5, Admin sees September 4 as September 4 is recorded as the Date in the Database

  • If Users is either =/- UTC

    • At Midnight in Users Time Zone (September 5) it is same day in UTC (September 5)

    • Result: Learner sees September 5, Admin sees September 5 as September 5 is recorded as the Date in the Database

We issues customers with certificates that include their date of birth so these are generated incorrectly based on the date in the admin portal.

It would be great if we had the option to collect a static date field that doesn't change based on the learners timezone.



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