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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 20, 2022

Course Evaluation - More question types

Currently we only get text or rating questions in Course Evaluations but it would be good if we could use Multiple Choice questions as well.

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  • Guest
    Sep 12, 2023

    The evaluation options are SO limited. There should be the option to add a yes/no question, with the ability for someone to add more information in a text box if required. Evaluation is a huge part of online learning requirements and this is an area where Absorb falls short.

  • Guest
    Jun 6, 2023

    Also the star rating system should be replaced with actual Likert scale options (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree for example). Our old LMS allowed multiple choice and customized likert scale options and a few others so we know it is doable. Each question should be able to be optional or required as well.