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Sort My Courses based on Pins, Mandatory, Due Date, or Enroll Date

Allow users and/or admins the ability to set the order of My courses ribbon. Currently the Pins seem useless.

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    • Guest
      Nov 3, 2022

      I agree. I worked in an LMS one time where you could edit the view order, so all 1s would show then all 2s etc. While it's great to sort what is mandatory and optional, locked courses due to prerequisites don't get greyed out or hidden so anything you want done chronologically has to be managed in a curriculum or set up with post-enrollment triggers which convolutes enrollments if you have multiple departments that take some of the same courses but not others.

    2 MERGED

    My courses - Allow the ribbon to be organized by due date

    It would be helpful if we could set up for the My Courses ribbon to display the courses in order of due date.
    4 months ago in Learner Experience 0