I'd like to see the ability to create a pop-up style annoucement to be used to make users aware of whatever we feel is import for them to see. Could be used like a News Article (in how they could be built or even use the News Articles as a place for them to live so users can go back and read old pop-ups after the fact) but then we set an active/inactive date/time for them to pop-up for every new visit to the homepage or a specific page (such as Catalog or Transcript). The only alternative to this would creating a Billboard as the 1st spot that links to a News Article but a pop-up similiar to how the News Articles or Terms and Conditions would be more idea to make for a more passive experience versus an active one (especially since Absorb does not offer tracking on Billboards).
This would be helpful for us as well. We'd like to be able to have pop-up messages on both the main learner dashboard or on a specific page, for example on a discussion board page.
Thanks Demetrio,
We haven't set up billboards yet and the Absorb Messages is not something or org has or will likely adopt being deep with o365, we'd rely on our outlook for Absorb Messages.
Terms and Cond is only upon first login? or otherwise at a course level, am I right?
The key part of this suggestion is the ACTION required of the user, Billboards, Message tiles or notifications don't require the user to do anything, and therefore admin would not be able to affirm if the item was visited/acknowledged. We want to get information to people and not afford them ability to 'ingore it' or otherwise be unable to PROVE they've seen/read it.
Thank you for this idea. You have explored several of the facilities (e.g. Billboards linked to News Articles, Terms & Conditions, etc.). Have you tried our Messages that includes both a) a badge indicator for unread messages on the top toolbar, b) a dashboard tile that can make those messages also front and center on the dashboard?
Also, as part of our LE redesign that we are actively working on, we will be affording for your Welcome Tile to include configurable text to bring announcements of import to your learners' attention? Would this be of value to your organization?