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Created by Guest
Created on Apr 13, 2023

Setup Multiple Zoom Account Venues

We are a professional training as a business organization and we need to be able to setup separate zoom accounts for each of our customers. Right now it's only possible to integrate with one zoom account. Would like to be able to setup separate accounts when a new zoom venue is created.

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  • Guest
    Sep 27, 2024

    We had the same issue. Our current work around is that we created Zoom accounts on our Zoom account for our external partners who faciliate the trainings. This is not ideal for them as they then have to manage their own organization's Zoom account and the Zoom account they have access to through us.

  • Guest
    Jun 9, 2023

    We also have multiple trainers, and this would make a huge difference.

    With the way we currently have to work around this, it looks like one person is performing all of the trainings, which is not accurate and can be confusing for our learners.

    If there was a way of creating and selecting form multiple zoom venues, that would be ideal.

    And in the meantime, if there was a way to detach the Zoom venue from any individual Admin's account and keep the instructor and Zoom venue as two separate entities, that would at least better communicate who is actually instructing.