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Status Unreviewed
Categories Learner Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 21, 2023

Course Upload Notification - Approval Not Required but Notify Approver

Right now, we can choose for uploads to require approval, which automatically sends a notification to the approver that an upload has been made. But, this then shows the course as Incomplete on the learner end until the upload is approved.

We would like the ability to Not Require Approval, but still notify an assigned approver(s) when an upload is made for that course. This way, the course will appear Complete to the Learner once they submit, AND the approver will be auto-notified. The learner would not have to wait for approval before seeing the course as complete.

We want this because seeing incomplete can make the learner think they have to do more beyond just uploading. And, it can affect post-enrollment and pre-requisites if a learner remains Incomplete despite having uploaded.

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