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Status Low Probability of Delivery
Categories Curriculum
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 2, 2023

Out of the box training for new learners

Already created trainings for learners/managers on how to use the system and navigate would be very helpful. I know that Absorb Academy is there for admins, but something similar for other roles would be extremely helpful, especially if it was set up as an e-learning course they could be enrolled in.

This would be used for both onboarding Absorb as a new platform in our large fintech company, and also for new hires throughout the year as they need to learn Absorb as they join.

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    Sophie Mullins
    Sep 5, 2024

    Hi Maryssa,

    Thank you for your submission! Totally understand why this would be helpful for you and your organisation. Currently, our self-help tools are primarily aimed toward our admins in order to ensure we are being as specific and helpful to our key roles as possible. While it is not possible for us right now to expand into learners/managers given the diversity of what these roles achieve for each of our clients, our Customer Enablement team will keep it under consideration as we plan ahead into 2025.

    As a heads up, as part of our 'New to Absorb' section, there are some handy articles in there for learners as we continue to build out our onboarding resources. Check them out here:

    Thanks again and have a great day!

  • Guest
    Nov 6, 2023

    This is a great idea! I currently have created my own, but I believe this would be helpful and time savings for us clients.

  • Guest
    Nov 2, 2023

    We had to create our own courses to accomplish this. You might have to end up doing the same.

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