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Categories Reporting
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 29, 2023

Reports: Manager column not available in any course reports.

Challenge: In any of the course reports, manager is not available as a column. If i have to create a course completion report with a pivot showing different managers and how many people are pending for each manager, i cannot do that . I have to pull user report and course report and stitch it together.

Solution: Have manager column available in course reports.

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  • Guest
    Feb 14, 2024

    Benefits and should be standard:

    Improved Reporting Efficiency: By incorporating the manager column into course reports, users can generate course completion reports directly from AbsorbLMS without the need for manual data stitching. This saves time and effort for administrators and reporting users.

    1. Enhanced Manager Oversight: With the ability to pivot course completion data by managers, organizations gain better visibility into each manager's team's training progress. This facilitates proactive management interventions, such as identifying underperforming teams or recognizing exemplary managers.

    2. Customized Training Strategies: Access to comprehensive course completion reports allows organizations to tailor training strategies based on managerial units. By identifying training gaps or patterns within specific teams, training programs can be adjusted to address specific needs, leading to more effective skill development.

    3. Data-Driven Decision Making: The availability of detailed course completion reports empowers decision-makers with actionable insights derived from real-time data. These insights can inform strategic decisions related to resource allocation, talent development initiatives, and overall learning and development strategies.

    4. Improved Compliance Monitoring: For organizations with regulatory compliance requirements, having the manager column in course reports facilitates easier monitoring of training compliance within different managerial hierarchies. This ensures adherence to industry standards and regulatory mandates, reducing compliance risks.

  • Guest
    Dec 5, 2023

    This would be a huge win for our team. We are currently stitching this field into the reports manually. It would really streamline the process if we didn't have to do this step.