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Categories Curriculum
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 15, 2024

Curriculum Description Area Visibility

Can we please have the ability to enable a fully expanded curriculum/course description? The course details are a valuable place to store information for the learners to read when progressing through their learning and when minimized, some key information can be lost. If this was possible to have as a setting in the course/curriculum level, course creators can make the decision to maximize this window whenever learners view it. Of course, if learners prefer to minimize it, they will still have the option to do so. Screenshot below.

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  • Guest
    Apr 2, 2024

    I would like to second this request. The drop-down-to-expand feature is an additional, unnecessary, easily missed step for learners/LMS users, and in the ID world, making something as accessible and easy to understand as possible is key... You currently have to click the (very small, unlabeled) drop-down-to-expand arrow in order to see all the information (if the description is more than just three lines). I instead kindly suggest that it is automatically expanded as a standard option, with the choice to shorten it with that drop down feature as a selectable, optional template option.

    Please make this requested expanded description feature standard for all methods of LMS access (ex. desktop, tablet, mobile).