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Status Unreviewed
Categories Learner Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 4, 2024

Due date tiles

Tiles that allow you to see mandatory courses that have upcoming due dates, past due dates, or still have at least 30 days until due date. These tiles should have a color code option as well. Red for past due, yellow for upcoming, and green for 30 days or more until due date. Tiles should list the assigned courses under their correct category. If learners can see this as soon as they open their dashboard they have a quick look to see what is their priority.

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  • Guest
    May 22, 2024

    I agree, this would be a great option to have available and encourage Learners to prioritise courses.

    I received a query within our organisation, as to whether the "Due Date" could be displayed instead of the "Expiry date" field in Transcript, and was about to post this in the Ideas portal. However, then I came across this post, a Due Date tile, would be an even better option.