Give learners ability to sort certificates by year
As our users earn more certificates year after year, it would be helpful to have a filter that allows them to see certificates earned in a specific year.
Thank you for taking the time to contribute to this idea. We regularly review your feedback and it is instrumental to our feature prioritization and development process. After reviewing our most recent data and client feedback, we have decided to remove this item from our roadmap. It will be re-evaluated for inclusion on our roadmap in the future though, so please continue to share your feedback and your votes here.
Thank you for this idea. This improvement to our transcript (along with others) are on our radar for our next generation of LE and is likely for 2022. More specific dates will be provided once our 2022 roadmap is available.
Thank you for taking the time to contribute to this idea. We regularly review your feedback and it is instrumental to our feature prioritization and development process. After reviewing our most recent data and client feedback, we have decided to remove this item from our roadmap. It will be re-evaluated for inclusion on our roadmap in the future though, so please continue to share your feedback and your votes here.
Thank you for this idea. This improvement to our transcript (along with others) are on our radar for our next generation of LE and is likely for 2022. More specific dates will be provided once our 2022 roadmap is available.