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Categories Curriculum
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 19, 2024

Mandatory courses within a Curriculum

When editing an individual course, you have the option to designate it as mandatory. However, when editing a curriculum, you can only set the entire curriculum as mandatory, without the ability to specify which individual courses within it are mandatory. The curriculum settings allow you to choose whether learners must complete all courses, a minimum number of courses, or a minimum number of credits. It would be highly beneficial to have the ability to specify mandatory courses within a curriculum to create a more structured and intentional learning path for learners.

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  • Guest
    Aug 26, 2024

    Within each group you can adjust the settings. We typically have a group of mandatory courses (set to "Must Complete All") and a group of "electives" (set to a minimum number of credits). It's not exactly the same, but it should work.