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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 6, 2024

Automatic Enrollments for ILCs for a Group/Groups

I would like to request the implementation of automatic enrollments for our weekly warehouse staff talks. Currently, we have over 60 employees attending these sessions each week, and it has become increasingly cumbersome to manually enroll each individual and track their attendance.

Benefits of Automatic Enrollment:

  1. Efficiency: Automating this process would significantly reduce the time and effort required to manage enrollments and attendance tracking. This efficiency gain would free up valuable time for our managers to focus on other critical tasks.

  2. Accuracy: By automating enrollments, we minimize the risk of human error in recording attendance. This ensures that attendance records are accurate and reliable, which is crucial for compliance and performance tracking.

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  • Guest
    Sep 11, 2024

    Hi there, we have a similar scenario. Our solution is to go into the Groups option under Users, View Users, select All, then Enrol User. If you've added the ILC with a recurring enrolment, then you only need to add the ILC once.