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Status Unreviewed
Categories Core LMS
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 14, 2024

Ability to purchase a enrollment key

There is no way to support a subscription service to the LMS. We desparately need a way for public to buy subscription or membership that would give them access to the LMS for a year. That could be accomplished if you allow users to BUY a subscription Key. THen you could assign a dept which gives them the permissions they need. THis is different than the purchase for someone else that exists today which creates enrollment keys. This is actually to set up an enrollment key that you allow to be purchased. ALTernative would be to allow the purchase of a course to change the Dept - that would work also.

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Need to buy enrollment key or COurse that SETS a Dept so we can offer subscription or Membership

We have a subscription service that if a user buys a subscription they get access to all our courses and resources. If not they have to buy them. So we have a Dept and Template for Subscription Users and Dept for Non Subscription users - which wor...
3 months ago in eCommerce 0 Unreviewed