When sending out reminder emails for ILC sessions, it would be great if it could send reminders days prior AND also 1 hour prior. At the moment you can either do days OR hours prior - not both.
Additional context from merged ideas:
When enrolled in an ILC, the learner receives 2 emails. One of these is a calendar invite. The invite has a reminder for 16 hours prior to the event. This is pretty useless. We would like it to be a 15 minute reminder. So, ideally, we would be able to select when we want this reminder to occur. This is separate to the reminder emails that are sent.
The Outlook invitations generated when a learner enrolls in an ILC session are created with a reminder 24 hours before the session begins. The default within our company for meeting invitations is 15 minutes. In request #240489, I was advised that "We currently do not have a way to set the reminder notifications to less that 24hrs." We would like to be able to choose the reminder time for Outlook invitations with options less than 24 hours.