Please consider adding french tags into french amplify max content instead of english. French users are not able to then search for potential courses with only the english tags.
Thank you. I understand what you're asking about here, though I may not be the best PM to help have this resolved. What I'm going to do is reclassify this as an Online Course ticket, and speak with the relevant PM about this idea for consideration.
I could see our auto tagging function running the course description through a language model to determine that this one, for example, is in French, and then tag accordingly. I think that's a reasonable optimization.
When looking at the admin side of the Amplify course, after it has been converted and Automatic tagging is on, the prepopulated tags are in English not French, when the course its self is in French. Please see image attached.
The user would not be able to search anything but the title to see the course. There are no French tags associated with the course.
Can you please confirm for me that you're looking for tags for learners as they look to find French content to take, or for admins during their content selection process?
Thank you. I understand what you're asking about here, though I may not be the best PM to help have this resolved. What I'm going to do is reclassify this as an Online Course ticket, and speak with the relevant PM about this idea for consideration.
I could see our auto tagging function running the course description through a language model to determine that this one, for example, is in French, and then tag accordingly. I think that's a reasonable optimization.
Hi Jeremy,
When looking at the admin side of the Amplify course, after it has been converted and Automatic tagging is on, the prepopulated tags are in English not French, when the course its self is in French. Please see image attached.
The user would not be able to search anything but the title to see the course. There are no French tags associated with the course.
When we tested Amplify in 2023, the french courses had french tags so this should be an easy fix for Amplify Max should it not?
Can you please confirm for me that you're looking for tags for learners as they look to find French content to take, or for admins during their content selection process?