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Status Unreviewed
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 27, 2025

ILC enhancement requests

Our organization uses ILCs to track attendance to instructor led sessions for our end users as part of a major organizational change project that is ongoing. We enroll users manually in sessions to ensure they get enrolled in the courses they need in order to do their job effectively. However, the current challenges we face with this approach include not being able to require attendance or mark it as mandatory, not being able to restrict forwarding of invites for these sessions, and not being able to easily track which users decline the invitations.

Challenge #1: ILC cannot be marked as mandatory

Our organization would like to have the ability to mark an ILC course as mandatory and require completion as part of a curriculum. The ILC would be displayed in the same way that a mandatory online course is treated when it's displayed in the Learner Experience (ie. the exclamation mark icon, listed in mandatory filter, etc.), and the ILC would count towards a curriculum completion.

This will make it more apparent to learners that the ILC course is not optional, and is a mandatory part of their curriculum that they are expected to complete.

Challenge #2: ILC invites can be forwarded to non-enrolled users

When an ILC is set up, there is no option to restrict forwarding. The invite is sent to a user and that user can then forward it on to another user who is not enrolled in the course. If that user who received the forwarded invite then attends the ILC, they show up in the attendance as an unmatched user. In order to capture accurate attendance, our organization has to retroactively enroll the user and re-run attendance auto-fill to mark that they attended the ILC. Otherwise, we are missing out on the true attendance statistics.

This could be solved in two ways, 1. Make the option to restrict invite forwarding when the ILC is created, or 2. Add an option to automatically enroll unmatched users in the ILC and mark them as attended.

Challenge #3: ILC declined invites cannot be tracked within the LMS

When an ILC invite is declined, the user remains enrolled in the course/session but is inevitably marked absent. As mentioned previously, our organization utilizes manual enrollment in ILCs to track attendance for mandatory instructor led courses and when a user declines we are not able to capture or track that in the LMS.

Our organization would benefit from having a report that tells us which users decline invites tied to ILCs.

Another huge improvement would be to allow the user to select a different session directly from the invite, to give them another option rather than just declining it. We are aware the option to select or change a session exists within the LMS itself, but having that option available from the invite saves time and possible confusion for the user.

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