After a learner views a video learning object, they're prompted with an Activity Complete message that gives them the option to proceed to the next activity or close the current activity. This message isn't available for all learning object types, but would greatly improve the learner's workflow through a course. Please enable for all learning object types.
Hi all, have you had an opportunity to check out the new online course player? We streamlined the online course workflows to adopt a pattern similar to many industry-standard content platforms (ex. YouTube). Learners are now fully immersed in lesson playing while also maintaining context of course details. Learners also have the ability to easily navigate through lessons with the sidebar as well as the previous / next buttons. Please see the following Online Course Discovery & Playing Knowledge Base Article for more detail.
With the new course player would it be possible to disable the next activity prompt all together? We would like that ability, should I submit it as its own idea?
Thank you for this idea. We are actively working on a new course player including streamlined lesson transitions, so we will take this idea into account in our design and implementation.