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Status Unreviewed
Categories Learner Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 20, 2022

Additional translations - Enroll

I would like to see the "Enroll" translation split for Online Courses and Instructor Led Course sessions.

Our learners are all external/retail/e-commerce. In their world, they purchase a course with several components and one expiration date. In our world, they're in a curriculum that includes several courses (and a unified expiration date). Leaving the "Enroll" translation (ID: 59367) as "Enroll" created a litany of unnecessary support calls and silly conversations about why they need to enroll in a course that they're already enrolled in or why the access time (expiration date) starts when they buy instead of when they click enroll. Accordingly, we translated "Enroll" to "Launch." –For clarity, we understand and are good with how all this works--

However, things got messy again when we added instructor led courses. Now, learners see a "launch" button instead of an "enroll" button when attempting to enroll in an ILC session. The learner experience would be a lot more intuitive if we can leave this button as "Enroll" and the other button as "launch." Not only does this help the learners, but also avoids a silly conversation around why the button displays text that doesn’t fit the situation when doing product demos for potential B2B clients.

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